Scout Troop 43, based in Brainerd, Minnesota, are embodying the Scout Oath’s call to “help other people at all times” through their ongoing community service project at the Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen.

Through their tireless efforts, Troop 43 makes a real difference in the lives of others. They are serving as shining examples of what it means to be a Scout, demonstrating the positive impact that young people can have on their communities.

With unwavering dedication, these Scouts organize, prepare, and serve meals to members of their local community, ensuring that no one goes hungry.

Their selfless acts of kindness demonstrate the true spirit of Scouting, putting the needs of others before their own. The Scouts’ dedication to this project is a testament to the values they have learned through Scouting. They are putting their Scout skills to good use, learning valuable lessons about teamwork, leadership, and compassion.